Monday, November 14, 2005

Kiddie Me: Bullies Need Love Too

My friends and I loved to rollerskate. We're talking, why walk when you can skate? So the 4 of us could be found at any moment skating around the neighborhood, laughing, doing tricks, chilling.

One day we were skating through a part of the alley that was more like a nice street and came across one of our friends, T. Now T. had a brand-new bike that we thought was pretty nice. Bad thing is the bully of the neighborhood thought so too and was standing there trying it away from him. He wasn't your stereotypical bully--all bulk and brawn. Nope. This one was rangy, a little devious and a lot crazy. Fearless 10-year old girls that we were, we knew that if we didn't do something he'd take our friend's bike, so we rolled over to him and surrounded the bike. We threatened the bully, telling him that if he tried to take it all of us would kick him with our skates. We're talking quads, not rollerblades here. He took one look at those heavy things and decided it wasn't worth it.

I sometimes wonder what became of the bully. Did he change his ways? Or, sadly, knowing the neighborhood, is he even alive now? I wonder.

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